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Otis College Program Leads to One of the Largest Murals in Los Angeles

Sergio Cuculiza

Westchester, Los Angeles, CA - Artist David Russell & Otis College

Otis College of Art and Design in Los Angeles, is well known for its creative edge as one of the largest Art colleges in Southern California. Naturally an opportunity for Beautify Earth to partner with Otis was a sure fit, one founded on beauty and inspiration. Partnering with the school and having an opportunity to share the Beautify story with the students was fulfilling. However, this project went beyond inspiring the students, it ended with what is one of the largest murals on the west side, which Beautify Earth helped secure most of the funding for.

Artist and part-time instructor David Russell, took nearly three months to complete "Welcome to Westchester," a five-story mural commissioned by Drollinger Properties, through a Creative Action class he teaches at Otis College of Art and Design. Creative Action is an integrated learning program that introduces students to compelling social and environmental issues within their community through a series of core courses. The mural represents various landmarks throughout the community, including Otis College of Art and Design, Loyola Marymount University, iconic buildings from the neighborhood, and the Ballona Wetlands.

Karen Dial (Drollinger properties) and Russell are working on bringing more murals and artwork to the community, and they even hope to transform a bland corridor between storefronts along Sepulveda into a “mural alley.”

“It is one of my passions to bring more public art and beauty to Westchester,” said Dial. “It’s all about cultural development and partnering with David has opened that up. We’re going to keep adding new artwork, so stay tuned!”

See how you can get your school involved to help beautify our education system here.


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